*Now - April 11, 2025: We're participating in the PaperGator Earth Day contest! Winners will be determined based on the largest percentage increase in paper recycled from January to April 11, 2025, compared with the same period in 2024. First place will win $5000, Second place $2000, and Third place $1000. Let's do this!

We have a PaperGator®! The bin is stationed outside the SW corner of the building. Bring your paper for recycling whenever you come to the HSB!

What CAN go in the bins?

  • School/Office Paper
  • Newspaper
  • Junk Mail
  • Hard & Soft Cover Books
  • Magazines
  • Shredded Paper (NO plastic bags, please)
  • Scrap Paper
  • Notebook Paper
  • Paperboard (Cereal Type Boxes)
  • * Cardboard (12″ x 12″ or smaller)
  • Wrapping Paper (no foil or sparkles)
  • * We can accept 12″ x 12″ (or smaller) cardboard only! The machines have issues with larger pieces.

What CAN'T go in the bins?

  • Plastic
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Garbage

PaperGator® saves landfill space and trees from being harvested. It is estimated that over 40% of landfill space is made up of paper products, and one ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees from being harvested and 3 cubic yards of landfill space. Help us keep the earth green!