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About Us

HSB, Inc. has been providing information, educational resources and networking opportunities for families in Michigan since 1999. We are proud to continue having a tremendously wide reaching and positive impact in our community.

Enrichment Opportunities - Academics ∙ Sports ∙ Music ∙ Drama ∙ Art ∙ Homeschool Resources ∙ and more!

HSB Bookstore/Second Mouse Finds - Shop our Second Mouse Finds used store for books & materials at low prices. The main HSB Bookstore specializes in new books, special orders, & unique materials. Two stores, one building, infinite deals! 

TRIP (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program) - Use the $$$ you are already spending on groceries, gas, clothes, food & gifts to help offset expenses. Through TRIP you can earn a % of your purchases to be used in the HSB Bookstore/Second Mouse Finds or toward educational/enrichment classes for your children.

Facility Rentals - We rent space for one-time events, weekly and monthly activities to organizations, families and local businesses. Our rental rates are the most reasonable you will find. Call today for more information!